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发布日期:2023-08-13 14:50    点击次数:169



With the rise of E-sports, more and more people are trying their hand at competitive gaming. As a relative newcomer to the scene, I was curious to see how much I could improve with just a little bit of practice. In this article, I’ll be sharing my experience going from a complete novice to a skilled player in just a few steps.

Before the Game

When I first decided to try E-sports, I would lose every match I played. It seemed like no matter how hard I tried, I could never keep up with my opponents. After some research, I discovered that improving my speed and accuracy in moving my character (“flying”) was crucial to success in E-sports. So, I started to practice one simple technique: flicking my wrist.

The Flicking Technique

The flicking technique involves moving your wrist rather than your whole arm when making quick,电子竞技 precise movements. It’s a simple technique that can make a big difference in your gameplay. I practiced for just a few minutes each day, focusing on building up my muscle memory and speed. I soon found that my character was moving more fluidly and quickly across the screen.

Transitioning to E-sports

After several days of practicing the flicking technique, I decided to test my newly found skills in a real game. To my surprise, I found that I was able to keep up with my opponents much better than before. By flicking my wrist to move my character, I was able to make quick turns and dodge incoming attacks more effectively. I also found that my accuracy in targeting opponents had improved.

Improving Further

Encouraged by my success in my first match, I continued to practice the flicking technique and other fundamental skills for E-sports, such as map awareness and strategy. With each practice session, I found myself becoming more comfortable and confident in my abilities. I was no longer losing every game, and eventually I started consistently winning matches.

Becoming a Skilled Player

After just a few weeks of practice, I became a skilled player in E-sports. I can now hold my own against even the toughest opponents and can confidently compete in high-level matches. Looking back at my journey, I am amazed at how much just a little bit of practice can improve gameplay. With the right mindset and techniques, anyone can become a skilled player in E-sports.


If you’re a beginner in E-sports or any other competitive gaming community, don’t be discouraged by losses. With just a bit of practice and the right techniques, anyone can become a skilled player. The flicking technique is just one simple example of how a small change can make a big difference. Who knows? With a little bit of effort, you might be the next E-sports champion!


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